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Tom Arild Fjeld

Welcome to "harmony" blog box

Harmony - the reality - of true comunication

This blog is the entrance to "Harmony" which is a more comprehensive word than the word fellowship from Hebrew. This word gives a much stronger and broader understanding of the word community.

What kind of fellowship is this? This is about communion with the Holy Spirit, through God's word to you personally. Not via some controllers, or know-it-alls. This is Harmony who will guide you to what the Lord has always wanted for you. Namely that you should be an independent strong disciple of Jesus. A disciple filled with the word of God, the Bible. God's word is the living Christ's mind to you. The living word of God, is the Spirit of God revealed, made alive, understandable in you.

The spirit in the Word of God, the revelations in the word of God, the bible

Find your Harmony with those diciples, those who have the same mind as you, the mind of Christ, the mind of the word, the bible, the same spirit as you. Acts 2, 46, Joh. 1,1 and 14, Joh. 4, 24.

This is what this community - harmony is - This is the only true spiritual harmony The non born again humans of the world have fellowships, that is correct. But what we here talk about is the spiritual reality and fellowship with the creator of all and all diciples of Jesus Christ on the planet. Harmony that stands for everything Jesus has done and stands for. Everything the Bible stands for. No interference of sects and denominations. Harmony are people who believe and act on the victory Christ won on Calvary cross. This wonderful good news, they proclaim with signs, wonders and miracles to the unreached world acccordingly to the command of Jesus Mark 16, 15 - 20, so Christ Jesus can come back.

You have your own responsibility to Christ with your life I come up with tv programs on the site that post this deeper with Bible references.

Become a part of harmony - a part of the body of Christ You will be it automatically if you become part of what this stands for. You can be a "follower" or you can be a member, that up to you. The door for you to become a part Harmony is open. God bless you mightely in following Christ as a diciple.

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