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Tom Arild Fjeld

Designed divine

Designed divine -The miracle of the big life inside. Bigger on the inside - than on the outside. You can be brand new – if you want

Christ want’s you

It doesn’t matter what you are- but what you can be.

If you are not satisfied how your life has become – Be born again. Yes, you can have a new life. You can be born one more time. Your birth, your creation is spiritual.

Your new life inside can start from today Your spirit is From abow - Below. Your physical body is Made and formed from the ground.

Your physical body, your flesh is “made of soil (Heb. Adama, red soil) from the ground”

Your physical body will one day die and go back to the ground.

From above

Your “new life” created, born in the spiritual word

in the heavenlies and placed in your bloodstream. It will go into every detail of your physical body. That make your physical body and spiritual body to look alike in size and form. The physical body you can observe through your senses, the spiritual body you observe through faith.

How can I be born again?

Apostle Paul tells us that out from his revelation or explanation from God. Here it comes.

Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans 10.9 explain it:


“If you with your mouth confess Christ as Lord,

A confession is not worth anything, if you don’t follow it up with a obedience to your confession. That will then mean, that you in the reality let Jesus become the master in your life. You obey the will of Jesus, not your own will.


and in your heart (Heb. Lab) believe that God raised Christ from the death,

If you don’t believe that God Raised Christ from the death, you cannot be saved. This is scarry, but the good thing is that God already from the beginning of mans existence on planet earth, has been given a measure of faith in their spirit. A measure of faith so big a faith that believe that God raised Christ Jesus from the death. Is not that wonderful. That means everybody on planet earth have that faith.

The faith that believes God raised Christ Jesus from the death.

This faith is in your spirit, either you want it or not. If you accept it according to the bible, it will work for you. Isn’t that wonderful.


then you shall be saved (rescued)”

If you have accepted these truths into your life by using your will power, then you are born again, you are saved. You have walked over the threshold of salvation. Now your walk and developing in Christ Jesus starts.

Salvation means

Your old sinful spirit leave you and you are given through a new birth, a brand-new sinless spirit, in that spirit is also your personality, your soul. Now you can be the beautiful you, as God from the beginning have planned you to be.

My books “Born again” and “Let God be God in you”, will explain you this in details. You will also find films in the Video box, that will explain for it you and make it easy for you to understand.

Welcome to a wonderful life.

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