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Christ the miracle worker - All the time - Everywhere

Sprinkling with colors on Hindu festival

This is done on all Hindu festivals. I am writing a little about it further down on this picture box.


Faisalabad crusade

This lady were set free from demons oppression during the sermon was preached.


Mass repentance to Christ

Night after night they turned by the thousands to Christ.
But there is along way to walk with the Lord after the first step.

Rock steady life in Christ as a disciple of Jesus.
Your personality, your attitude toward Gods word, your agreement with it and your conscious faith.
All of this must be rock steady in you. If that is on place you’re a strong disciple of Christ. But everyone of us start with the first step.


The grand miracle in the city the revolution started in Romania

The dictator had a public meeting in Timisoara.
Everybody used to worship the dictator of fear. If they did not do that, they could have been executed by Securitate, the secret personal guards of the dictator.

He is lying
While he spoke to the people a lady shouted out: He is lying, he is lying. Then the people immediately agreed with the lady. It became like a riot. The
Securitate went in and many were killed.

I went in to Bucharest, Romania as soon as they had executed the dictator and his wife.
This was the start of the revolution. After that the dictator went to Bucharest, from that point of, it was like a war in the nation and the dictator were executed. As soon as I heard he were executed and the civil war almost was on, I got hold on a small plane. I came then flying to Bucharest, Romania from Yugoslavia.

In the crise government for 2 days
I were sitting in the crise government for 2 days, discussing national and international matters and needs with the different ministers.

An ambassador for Christ
You see, as a born again diciple of Jesus, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God. I was the very first ambassador that came into the nation of Romania.

The upstart of "Norsk nødhjelp"
Me and my friend also started up the very firs help org. who started work in Romania. It is named "Norsk nødhjelp". It is still working in several nations around the world.

Back to Timisoara - And the very first public miracles meetings held in Sala Olympia.
I said to the crowd in Timisoara after leading people to Christ. Now I will pray for the deaf, and so I did.

The handicapped man that had not walked for 12 years
After the prayer for the deaf,this man came down the isle with the crutches in the air. He had not been walking for 12 years and now he walked with the crutches up in the air. I said out loud: I have not prayed for those who could not walk, I prayed for the deaf, so you must go back to your seat.

Everybody started laughing
Everybody laughed and clapped, they understodd I made a joke in this miracle situation. And so without doing anything more from my side, other peoples started to be healed all over the Sala Olympia. This is actually what happen where ever I have crusades, the Lord take over the meetings. I just stand and watch what the Lord is doing.


Sala Olympia

Here the Romanians are reaching out to Christ in Sala Olympia. Think about that, right after the fall of the execution of atheistic dictator and his wife.


Sala Olympia

Happy people in Sala Olympia


Hindu festival

Brother Tom and the Hindu priest on the offer alter in India.
This was on a monthly Hindu festival in India. Tens of thousands Hindus were gathered together to celebrate their god's and offer to them.
I came to their festival past midnight, when I arrived they were sprinkling red colors in big amounts towards me and the others attending. I did not understand what it was, but I understood I had to get it off me at once, and so I did.
After that I went further in among the crowds of Hindu people. Decorated elephants and so-called holy men and yogis. Who tortured themselves in all different horrible ways? I ended up on a offering alter together with the Hindu priests. I also there used my "possibility of faith" in Jesus to deliver a message from over Lord and savior’s redemptive work on calvary.
People were listening, but gave no reaction, Here I were in the middle of the realities of darkness.

We use all possibilities to proclaim the gospel everywhere.

Nonstop victory - all the time
There is always a nonstop victory.
Belive it, live it out, and you have it.


What Christ did - was a nonstop victory all the time

The question is? Are we willing to live in it all the time.


The blind lady who received the sight are counting Brother Tom's fingers

She got her full sight back and are counting Brother Tom's fingers. This lady wouldn’t stop talking in the microphone. She had so much to say about what Jesus had done for her. Romania.


Anointing cloths

"Anointing clothes" ready to be anointed with oil by the students. Romania.


The children are sitting like soldiers

While Brother Tom proclaim the gospel, the children sits as soldiers in the presence of the Lord Jesus.


The first healing in Romania’s history in Sala Polivalenta, Bucharest, Romania.

The first healing in Romania’s history in Sala Polivalenta. A blind lady receive her sight and count brother Tom's fingers.

The unbelieving so called spiritual leader
The leader of a state controlled church asked me when he saw the posters on the wall with people healed and that it was prayer for the sick in the meetings. What if nothing is happening, no one is getting healed he asked me. My answer were simple and clear. What you asked me, That thought has never been in my mind.

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