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A gentleman who received his hearing in south of Bulgaria.


After people where healed in their legs, they broke the crutches and throw them on the platform. Bulgaria.


The hearing came back, Bulgaria


The miracle that opened up parts of Bulgaria for the Gospel


At Brother Tom's meetings in Varna, Bulgaria, there were 10,000 in the meetings every night. Many people were healed and gave their lives to Jesus. A brother from a city some distance away asked me if I would come to his hometown to have a meeting. I came to the city of Plovdiv and had a meeting in a large church. There, the woman pictured with Brother Tom was instantly healed while listening to the preaching. She had had a large tumor in one breast. It was not there anymore.

Now the rumors went out and meetings were eventually planned in the city of Plovdiv.


Miracles opened up for meetings in several cities. Here from the meetings in Plovdiv.


20 000 people came night after night to the meetings. Many people gave their lives to Jesus and many were healed and set free from evil spirits.
Abus full of people came to the meeting from another city.
They were supposed to have been healed. They would then further expose me as a liar and false prophet, but it was Christ who prevailed. When Christ comes, then Satan will always come to do his part to try to destroy. But victory is ours no matter what happens. The victory is in Christ and His work on the cross of Calvary for all of us.


​Brother Tom preaching and People throw the cruthces up on the platform after their healings take place, Plovdiv


The humpback disappeared - Born with humpback.


This young boy was born with a humpback. He had been bullied all those years at school.
He attended one of the meetings, heard preaching, and was healed in the crowd while Brother Tom spoke.

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