I have made may different types and colorful victorytv.tv logos. I love to make life in everything we do. Express overselves in all possible ways, through all over senses. It is only 20 % of what we say, that go in to people listening, The rest 80% are what people observe of your personality, your creativity, the life you spread around you without using words.
History - From the very first public meeting ever held in the nation of Romania in Sala Palatuli with salvatrion, signs, wonders and miracles.
People in huge amounts gave their lives to Jesus Christ and were healed night after night. 2nd floor in the building were also filled up with people, even the stairs from first to the second floor as you can see on the photo were filled up with people.
What was very, very special in this very, very first public gospel meetings in the nation was.
3 weeks earlier, me and my my team had been working on the "orphanage project's" wheb something something happened,
A kundalini gury lady from India arrived Romania.
She had planned meetings in Bukarest. I will write more about this and inn video program as well. See picture box 9
What happened in the first meeting?
20 of the guru ladies diciples gave their lives to Jesus in this very first meeting I had in Bukarest.
Wonderful first historical meetings in Romania
Brother Tom proclaim the gospel to the hungry people for the truth i Romania. It was the very first official christian meetings with signs, wonders and miracles. Sala Palatuli, Bucarest.
Before I started up my work in Romania, I had allready travelled and crusading Africa and Asia for many years infact more than 10 years.
I experienced much more demon activity in eastern Europe than elsewere in the world
What my first experience were in Easter Europe when I started up preaching/proclaiming were. It were much more concious demon activity through people in Eastern Europe than I had experienced through the years elsewere in the world.
The reciptance of the gospel were also much more here in the Eastern Europe. This I did not expect.
Bible smuggling in the 70's
Bible smuggling to Soviet union and Eastern Europe
I Had been several times in Eastern Europe earlier, before I started crusading Africa and Asia. That were under the communist regime from Soviet union with Bresnev and KGB. Then I were smuggling Bibles around in different nations in Easter Europe. Before my first time to India, I smuggled a lot of Bibles to Moscow. It is own stories on this as well in my books. From Moscow I went with plain direct to my first crusades in India.
Timisoara crusade
One of the many who received their hearing in Sala Olympia, Timisoara.
I got surprised after the meeting, when some american people came up to me.
They were a team from Oral Robert's university in Tulsa, Oklahoma, were I also have an organisation. I write a little about that in Picture box 10
Blind received sigt, History first miracle in Romania, Sala Palatuli
This was the first miracle in Romania, a blind lady received her sight. Allready on the very first meeting it was attending 5000 people in Sala Palatuli, Bucarest.
Qne official leader of a religious group cooperating with the regime asked me.
How do you dear to advertise with sign, wonders and miralcles.
What if nothing happen???
I answered him. That possibility that nothing will happen, I have nevner been thinking.
Full hearing back, Pakistan
This man was so greatful to Jesus, that he could hear again. Pakistan crusade
Healed from deafness, Pakistan
This is strange the lady said, and what wonderful voices you have. Faisalabad, Pakistan crusade
In this crusade, armed with machine pistols, muslims blocked the way to the crusade area.
They did't stop people from coming, but they wanted me. I were told about the road blocking, so I went another way to the crusade. This night at the crusade, it became some shooting, but no one was injured or killed, so we praised the Lord for that.
Deaf girl receive her hearing - Pakistan
This young girl were crying and was very happy - I can hear she said with a tender voice.
The young girls hearing is back - Romania
Her hearing came instantly back, she couldnt believe it, but she were healed.
Timisoara miracle
The hearing is back. This man with little faith in himself - came, were healed and saved. He got a revelation of life. He understood he was a man of dignity, because he experienced the love and care of Jesus.
Miracles in the dark city - Rasgrad, Bulgaria
This young man received his hearing in the crusade in the well known dark city named Rasgrad i Bulgaria.
Rasgrad miracle
The hearing is back by a miracle ofJesus. This lady was so happy. She were patient on the hospital right behind the crusade ground held in a huge park. Several patients came and were healed. They came up on the platform to give their testemony, dressed up in hospital cloths.Rasgrad crusade
Born with the feets the wrogn way, a miracle turned his feets around
I asked the congregation if anyone knew this boy and his father, and that this miracle was correct. People shouted, yes yes, his feets has turned around. He was crippled before. Jen crusade, Pakistan
Here in the crusade western missionaries showed up.
The act's of the apostles are back
They had never experienced miracles, they said: The acts of the apostles is back. It is in one way true, but it has been here all the time, since jesus went back to heaven.
A deaf lady has received her hearing - Bucarest Romania
The people behind her are ready to give their testemoies. This lady received her hearing as many other also did.
It was never an end of all the sign's, wonders and miracles in the meetings.
The blind see again - Romania
I feel privileged to be able to stand and see Jesus heal all the beautiful people, yes and here, many blind people receive their sight again.
People are filling up the crichet ground night after night and the resistance were hard, Northern India
Death threat on the hotel before the we should go to the meeting.
A letter came that said we wold be killed. One of the brothers started to cry ands said: I am not rready to die. I asid, ok, come on the crowd is waiting.
Happily a locked car
We were driving in a looced car to the meeting.
The military cars came
Suddenly a military care came in front of us and one behind. They should escort us to the crusade ground.
Hammering with long sticks and trying to tilt the car
Suddenly a large group of Hindus started to hammer on the car with long sticks and tried to tilt the car. If it had not been for the military, we would have been in big trouble.
Swords and molotov coctails
Behind the big crowd on the criket ground was a group of hindu priests with molotov coctails and swords. They were prepared to take us down, yes kill us. But nothing happened. year earlier a bus with christians had been set on fire and they all burned to death.
Serious diciples of Jesus
I know, because we are serious honest followers of the Lord and are obeying his command Mark. 16, 15 we have the blessing on the Lord on us, and the protection are there.
Many wonderful christians with strong faith& dedication have been killed for Jesus
We better be very humble i the situations, because we know, many wonderful people dedicated to Christ and has obeyed his command, has lost there lives, yes has been killed for the cause of the gospel. There is only one thing we allways can do, that is to trust in over Lord and saviour in humbelness allways, whatever happen. There is a non stop victory.
A man born for diginty - He was so happy. Free from demons and saved
This man was crawling around in the street, eating garbage. A new life started for him this very day. He is born for dignity, yes for Gods kind of life. So here he started on the good life step by step.
I can see you all, Romania crusade
It's wonderful to see people set free from handicapps that has set them back from a good life for many years.
Brother Tom Preach and sing in the very first meeting in down town Dar es Salam, Tanzania
Brother Tom had rented the place from the city for 4 days, but they tried to stop him from having the meetings. But with Jesus in the heart, prayer, faith and boldness it broke through and the meetings become a sucsess for the kingdom of God.
First public meeting with miracles ever in Romania
Here a young girl give her testemony after receiving her healing. The man filming is from the romanian television. It was broadcatet on national tv from the first meeting. It shaked the religious life in the nation, who was russian ortodoc.
From the meetings in Sala Polivalenta, Bucharest, Romania.
Many norwegian students are on the platform tonight. All the students had there experiences of a life time this week on the crusade they were participating in.
Crusade on fotball stadion inn Varna, Romania.
It was filled up tonight. People were carried on stretchers, some came even crawling on their knees, one with the crutches hanging after in a rope. We helped them all as good as we could into the stadion.
A young boy and his sister were out playing. The little sister were paralysed in both her feets. They heard the sound from the stadion and they came to the stadion. The brother carried the sister. When they stood not far from the platform listening, then the little sister on the brothers arms, got strength in both her legs. They came to the platform, the boy cried all the time. I thought something had happened with him. He was shocked and happy, it was his little sister that Jesus had healed completely in her paralysed feets and legs.
A part of eternity in the heart of all the hindus
Wonderful hindu people gave their lives to Christ Jesus night after night in northern Pakistan, in the strong hindu areas.
The very first gospel crusade in downtown Dar es Salam
Wonderful days in Dar es Salam. The crowd increased night after night and the people rejoiced in the miracles and the new life they got in Christ Jesus.
Walk for first time since he were multi handicapped in accident 3 years old.
A car drove down this boy at the age of 3 years. He were totally crippled menthally and physically for life. But so came Jesus on the scene, that changed it all.
The lady who found the boy after the car crash. Bucaresti, Romania
The lady took this boy who lived on the street home and nursed him. He stayed with her year after year. And now they came to the meeting and the miracle in the boys body and mind took place. What a obidient servant of God this wonderful lady had been this years with this wonderful boy.
I wew not allowed to pray for the sick in this meeting -but the muslims were still reaching out for Christ. Lahore
Here in this meeting I were not allowed to pray for the sick. So I left the platform to another place close by. I told the sick to follow me. Multitudes were around me on the other place. There I prayed for the sick. Muslims came with their sick for healing. The first healing was a young boy that couldt walk,he started running around. Many got healed and the muslims praysed Lord Jesus for being the son of God Yahweh.
Brother Tom proclaim the gospel and nailed the simple teaching in the rain.
The first miracle ever on Zanzibar
A young girl received her sight in her blind eyes.
I am so thankful to the Lord, that I have had the possibility to be the first one with the gospel about Jesus with signs, wonders and miracles to many nation of the world.
A blind lady receve her sight and read from a book
The lady that received her sight in Plovdiv, are reading for the people attending the crusade.
She still have her white walking stick for blind in her hand.